I haven’t wrote for ever! Everything is nuts! guided and lost to time. I am here with a soul purpose to get things on track. I may not speak about what is happening but, I can say that people are fucking liars and full of shit. It’s unfortunate to know people are so stupid. (Not the one they say it is greedy people instead) But yet I’m surrounded by them. No coworkers are not involved but others real pieces of shit like he and family. Welcome they say,,,,, fuck you would be better!!!! I haven’t vented for awhile but fuck it. I have these fucking petty mother fuckers attacking me from all sides but won’t be a man and face me. Little mother fucker he is. And I know he is a sub in my shit, so mother fucker let’s do this old school!!!! I got mine you got yours let’s dance bitch!!!!

I hate Violence but I’ll bring it@any fucking time. And tell you wife to close her mouth quick.

you know what a bully is a person that is afraid of losing a figment of there self in the love they confuse with self doubt you are nothing but a self controlled piece of shit that thinks that you will use someone not of your blood to get money. Fuck you bitch not happening.

Take note people! This mother fucker could be your Neighbor this could be you Coworker this could be the person that is cheating on you b (also my nick name)

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws respecting an establishment of religion; prohibiting the free exercise of religion; or abridging the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights. ( freedom of speech)

I’m not speaking religious tone, but I can say what ever I want fuck face!

I can say anything I want as long as no names are said, but I know that you know that this is about you fucker!!!!

I’m done being nice, I’m going after them 100%

Defamation is a communication that injures a third party’s reputation and causes a legally redressable injury. In the English-speaking world, the law of defamation traditionally distinguishes between libel (written, printed, posted online, published in mass media) and slander (oral speech). It is treated as a civil wrong (tort, delict), as a criminal offence, or both.

thank you for that! I will see you in court probably more than once.

100, 200, 500000 I’m all in fucker

fuck you and you know who you are!

stop saying lies about me and us.

and no D it’s not about you not everything is not about you bro.

Published by capcook21

I'm just a dude

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